Pokemon GO Unveils Festive December Community Day Plans
SAN FRANCISCO, 11 ​December 2024 – Pokemon GO enthusiasts are ​preparing for an exciting year-end celebration, as Niantic reveals the details for ​the December Community Day. Scheduled for ​December 21 and 22, the two-day ​event ​promises a nostalgic name ​for the 2024 Community Days while offering exclusive bonuses, an exceptional Pokemon and special benefits for players from ​around the world. According to Gamerant.com, this event ​marks ​the ​end of the popular Community Day calendar of augmented reality game for the year.
Going from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. ​local time every day, ​December ​Community Day will discover a ​variety of Pokemon, including favourites from previous months. Rowlet, ​Chansey and Bellspruit lead the ​December 21 line, while Ponyta and ​her galarian variant take the central stage on December 22. In addition, in the last 10 minutes of each hour of the event, the offals ​of Porygon, Cyndaquil, Bagon and Belgium will increase significantly, as announced by Niantic.
Event bonuses and features
The December Community Day ​offers many bonuses to improve the gaming experience. Players can win double XP and Candy by ​catching Pokemon, ​and Lure Modules and ​Incense will last three hours. As Gamerant.com reported, other benefits include half of Egg Hatch’s distance and a 50% ​reduction in Stardust’s costs for stores, with these commercial obligations ranging from 21 to ​21 hours local time on ​both days. Instructors at level 31 and above will also have a double opportunity to obtain Candy XL during the event.
Field research and research tasks are an integral part of the event, rewarding players with Pokemon meetings with special movements or ​exclusive funds. Niantic also introduced new Community Day theme stickers, which can be obtained ​by turning PokeStops, opening gifts or acquiring the ​store in the game.
Attacks with ​Pokemon and Evolved
December Community Day brings a unique tour offering exclusive movements for Pokemon evolved during the event. As Niantic said, Poliwhirl’s evolution in Poliwrath will grant ​him the contract of rapid attack, while the evolution of Quilava in Typhlosion will unlock the attack of Cargado. Other notable combinations include ​learning Salamence ​Outrage and ​Metagross to acquire Meteor Mash on ​evolution. These special movements offer a competitive advantage in battles, making the event particularly attractive to experienced players.
The ​event also includes 2 ​km egg outbreaks with Pokemon such as Togepi, Axew, Slowpoke ​and Grubbin, all with possible light variants. Coaches can ​expect to ​complete their collections and improve their Pokemon for future ​challenges.
A look at 2024 Community days
December Community of Niantic The day ends with a year full of memorable events. January had ​Rowlet, February ​brought Chansey, and Mars showed Litten. Herbaceous fans held with Bellsprout ​in April and Bounsweet in May. ​The summer months included Goomy, Tynamo and Popplio, while the most remarkable aspects of autumn ​included Ponyta, Sewaddle and Mankey. This December event is the culmination of these efforts, giving players a final opportunity to revive the most remarkable moments ​of ​the year.
According to Gamerant.com, the Pokemon selection and the variety of bonuses highlight Niantic’s commitment to involve ​his community with dynamic and rewarding gaming experiences.
Who’s the head for Pokemon GO
As the year approaches, ​players look ​forward to other upcoming events at Pokemon GO. While the details of Party 2 and New Year 2025 are still secret, Niantic has already involved exciting events. These ​included Genesect’s return ​with the Chill Drive to the Young and Wise event on December 10, and Gigantamax Labras’ debut on December 8. With the staging of ​the December Community Day, these events should make it possible to entertain players well during the new year.
In addition, Niantic plans to launch Loaded Embers Hatch Day, expanding the ​attractiveness of ​the game with fresh content and opportunities for coaches to explore the Pokemon universe. This focus on continuous updates reinforces the ​state of Pokemon GO as the first mobile game that evolves alongside its player base.
The December Community Day illustrates ​Niantic’s ability to merge nostalgia and innovation, creating an exciting experience for Pokemon coaches around the world. With exclusive bonuses, ​bright opportunities and special movements, the event promises to be an appropriate conclusion to a year full ​of action at Pokemon ​GO.